Q: So What Exactly Is This Website?
A: We provide a world class service. Specifically, we connect you with the dating network life. These are the hottest girls around, so if you’ve ever wanted to turn heads at a school reunion or simply when you’re out at the bars, you can stop settling for the girls on a mobile dating app and go to the next level with the finest quality dates right here.
Q: So you’re saying I can have a girlfriend for one date?
A: Absolutely. That’s exactly what this service is. It’s difficult to find a great date. With our service, all you need to do is give us a call, fill out the required paperwork, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying the dating network.
Q: Okay, so I’m interested. What do I do now?
A: It’s pretty straightforward. You’ll fill out the needed paperwork and contact form. It’ll take us an hour or two to go over everything and to give you a callback.
Q: Where can I take my date?
A: You can take your date anywhere you might normally take a date. Hang out at a bar, a coffee shop, go to the movies, go swimming. Basically, think about what you’d do with a first date.
Q: What are the limitations I have with my girlfriend?
A: Your limitations are what your girlfriend says are the limitations. It’s all about spending time with someone who will make you feel complete and happy.
Q: How old are the girls?
A: The girls begin at the age of 18 and will go up from there. So if you have a desire for a legal age range we’re sure we can help you out with it.